Sunday, August 16, 2009

Mini MegaCon Schedule

Hey folks,

For those that are coming down to the Mini MegaCon next weekend, August 22-23, I'll be appearing in the special guest area, booth 423. Doors open at 10am on Saturday, and I'll be there signing and doing con sketches. See the previous post to grab your spot!

Saturday at 12:30, I'll be appearing at the Hero Initiative booth doing head shots and busts to raise money for a great charity. Track me down there if that's what you're looking for -- I probably won't be able to do quick sketches like that during the rest of the show.

On Sunday, I'll be doing a panel from 10:50- 11:40 in Room 230 B:

Pen & Ink Panel: The Art of Drawing Comics

This panel is for everyone that ever wanted to learn the basics of comic book illustration brought to you by the top talents in the field. Go behind the scenes and learn the techniques that can not only sharpen your skills, but might one day lead to a successful career in comics.

So there you go! See you soon!
